
Highways and Motorways

Collaborative design creating easy build solutions.

Pavement Rehabilitation and Line Marking

The Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) engaged Ventia to upgrade several access roads surrounding the Brisbane airport:

  • The Boulevard / Airport Drive
  • Nancy Bird Way
  • International Arrivals and Departures Roads
  • Airport Drive

The works included upgrading of the existing pavement, reviewing the existing line marking and determining if any changes were required for compliance with the latest MUTCD and AS1742 standards. Marvel Engineers was engaged by Ventia to undertake the engineering works and develop civil drawing sets (pavement and line marking) for the above-mentioned locations. The goal of these works was to provide a compliant, comprehensive line marking solution to help road users navigate the airport road network with ease.

At two of the above sites, some existing yellow (no parking) edge line marking did not appear on the aerial images utilised for drawing production. The Ventia team confirmed its presence on site but that it was not visible on their aerial database, nor Marvel’s.

This challenge was overcome by agreeing to a coordinated approach with the Ventia site team. Following the Draft submission by Marvel, the Ventia site utilised the drawings and undertook a site verification exercise to confirm no new line marking has been installed since the aerial image database had been updated. Comments from the site team were then given to the Ventia Project Manager, who passed this on to the Marvel team for the Final submission. By reviewing all online databases combined with utilising the Venita site team, Marvel provided Ventia (and BAC) a comprehensive suite of drawings that detailed the most up to date information. This avoided any re-submission of Final drawings and delays to site works.

Ultimately, this solution streamlined communication between the design team and construction crew, which is not typical for smaller-scaled projects.

Introducing this integrated approach allowed for transparency and open communication between the design and site teams. It also then subsequently reduced the number of design iterations which expedited the project program.

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